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At Jesus Is The Way Ministries our goal is to reduce the recidivism rate of male offenders by minimizing the cases of criminality directly related to substance abuse and other related dysfunctions, by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ while putting HIS love in action via our evangelistic ministry and aftercare program. Our long term goal is to increase our ability to support these men and to be able to focus on healing family relationships.

- Every week our staff and volunteers visit county jails sharing the life changing gospel of Jesus and the HOPE that can be found in Him through Bible studies, times of prayer and worship.

- Each year we host the Miracle of Christmas. This event brings hope and joy to local families affected by incarceration. Families receive Christmas gifts for each child. We provide refreshments, fellowship and a time of prayer and sharing the true Miracle of Christmas - JESUS with each family.

- Our staff visit prisons two times each year sharing about our residential discipleship program New Beginnings Aftercare Center.

New Beginnings Aftercare Center  provides a residential discipleship program based on the Bible for Christian men who are looking for a new beginning, inspired by their faith in Christ and the actions they choose to take. Our facility provides a supportive, alcohol and drug-free environment tailored to assist individuals battling substance abuse. The program is structured to aid men in reestablishing a sense of normalcy as they transition back into society.

This distinctive Christian support network empowers men to reacquire fundamental life skills through guidance and education in the subsequent areas:

Bible Studies 


12 step groups 


Relapse Prevention

Anger Management

 Money Management E

Employment/Resume Prep

Our vision is to see MEN walk out Philippians 3:13-14 by Forgetting the Past, Facing the Future and Focusing on God. ONE THING I must do and ONE THING I must focus on, all about HIM “ONE THING”

We help our residents with community connections to facilitate access to services such as:

Addiction Treatment

Photo ID Cards

Social Security Cards

Drivers Licenses

Public Aid Applications

Housing Applications

Employment Prospects


To reduce the recidivism rate of male offenders by minimizing the cases of criminality directly related to substance abuse and other related dysfunctions, by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ while putting HIS love in action via our evangelistic ministry and aftercare program. Our long term goal is to increase our ability to support these men and to be able to focus on healing family relationships.

GO to the prisons and correctional institutions

PREACH the Gospel, and through aftercare program

DISCIPLE men in their walk with Jesus Christ

ENABLE them to be productive and responsible citizens


Projects & Outreach

There is always something to do around our property to keep it in great condition and to provide the men a place to be proud to call home.  If you would be interested in helping, (individually or as a team) please contact us and let us know how you would like to assist.  Below are some of our current projects that we are focused on.  We love to have youth groups, men's/ladies groups and any others that are looking for an outreach project.


These are the curriculum that we utilize for the ministry.  If you would like to purchase 1 or 10 of any of these, it allows the men to keep these resources for future use.


We are in need of a new stairwell.  This is going to be about a $7,500 job


New landscape for front of both buildings.


Hear the interesting stories from our past residents who are doing it!!!

"My name is Steven Taylor. I was a resident of Jesus is the Way Ministries’ aftercare from August 13, 2004 to November 25, 2005. I am thankful for the time that was invested into my life during my stay at Jesus is the Way. God is good and it is by putting Him first in my life that He has and continues to direct my steps. Since my residency at Jesus is the Way, God has helped me to find a Christian woman to be my wife (for which I know I am VERY blessed) her name is Alice Taylor, He has helped me to find my home church, Grove Street Church of God in Christ (where I am continuing to grow in the Lord daily), He has allowed me the opportunity to go into the Champaign County Youth Detention Center and Cunningham Children’s Home to share the LOVE of JESUS as well as being able to participate in a Christian outreach for at risk youth in Rantoul. I could go on and on about the goodness of God and ALL that He is doing in my life but I will sum it up with one phrase “with JESUS it is ALL good”.

I want to say God bless ALL of you that are involved in the ministry of Jesus is the Way. I am truly grateful today that my testimony is, I am a life that has been changed.

Your Brother in Christ,

Steven Taylor"

"Jesus Is The Way gave me a second chance at life. It gave me a second chance to be a good father. A second chance at being a good son. A second chance at being a good husband and family man. I owe my life to this ministry and will be forever grateful.

Roy Davis"

"The ministry showed me how to be consistent, responsible, and reliable.  I was challenged to do better and be better.  My walk with God wouldn't be where it is today without JITW.  The ministry taught me that life is worth it!

John Barr "