
At Jesus Is The Way we are continuing to work to improve the property and prepare for future growth. We want JITW to be a place that men are proud to call home during their time with us! Below are our current projects and specific ways that you can partner with us.

Room Sponsorship 

Recently, we have begun renovating the men’s rooms. There are 11 rooms that need updated. The rooms are in need of painting, new flooring, lighting, and bathroom vanities. As well as a wardrobe, dresser, desk, chair, and night stand. 

How can you be a part???

1. You can sponsor a room! Each room will cost us $2,000 to renovate.

2. Make a donation of any size through our secure giving platform

3. Donate your time by coming to paint, lay carpet, etc. You can even bring a group!

4. Partner with us in prayer.

We greatly appreciate all support, financial and physical, for these projects and ask that you keep this in your prayers as we work to make Jesus is the Way a place the men are proud to call home.