Fall Banquet
Friday, November 15, 2024

Join us for an evening of celebration as we share what God has done at Jesus Is The Way Ministries in 2024. You will hear testimonies of changed lives, enjoy uplifting fellowship and have an opportunity to partner with us as we share what God is placing on our heart for the future.

The doors will open at 6:30pm in the banquet hall, and we invite you to come early for a time of fellowship and to visit the silent auction. There will also be a special VIP event for our underwriters and sponsors at this time.

The banquet will begin at 7:00 pm with dinner provided. We will share a ministry update, celebrate with a time of commissioning, and hear from our guest speaker, Tony Hoffman.


I-Hotel Conference Center
1900 S First St.
Champaign, IL 61820

Guest Speaker

We are pleased to introduce our keynote speaker, Tony Hoffman, who has overcome a complex journey of mental health struggles, substance abuse, and personal challenges to achieve remarkable success. Despite early accomplishments, including being featured on the cover of BMXer Magazine and sponsored by prominent brands, Tony faced debilitating anxiety, depression, and addiction. Following a period of incarceration, he dedicated himself to rebuilding his life, achieving his goals, and helping others. Today, Tony is a respected author, entrepreneur, and sought-after speaker on mental health and substance use, and we are honored to have him join us for our 2024 Fall Fundraising Banquet.

Banquet Opportunities

There are several opportunities to get involved with this year’s banquet!

Sponsor a Table

Table Sponsors, like Underwriters, contribute in advance to cover event expenses and help us reach our fundraising goal. This enables all of the donations and pledges given the night of the banquet to go directly towards the operating expenses of this ministry over the next year. To show our appreciation, Table Sponsors will receive an invitation to a VIP event before the celebration, a premium table with 10 seats reserved for you and your guests, and be listed as sponsors during the evening. Responses must be received via mail or email no later than October 5 to be included in the program.

Host a Table

Do you have a passion for hosting and building connections with people? Hosts serve the vital role of introducing people to Jesus Is The Way Ministries by inviting them to attend the banquet as guests and filling a table of 10 seats. Many people are introduced to the ministry through these invitations.

Will you partner with us this year? Your investment will ensure the success of the mission and future of Jesus Is The Way. Use the link below to register as a Table Sponsor or Host. If you have any additional questions, please get in touch with us via email brian@jitwministries.org or by calling our office at 217.892.4044

Register here

Share about our Event

Would you like to help us spread the word about our fundraising event at your church or with your family and friends?

Below are some resources to make that simple for you. Please reach out to brian@jitwministries.org if you have other questions or would like other resources to share.


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