
Executive Director

Brian Zeifang

Brian has been in this role since May of 2022.  He stepped into this role after retiring from the Marine Corps after 24 years.  Brian is married with 6 kids and grew up here in Rantoul.  His wife Jaycilynn of 20 years this year has history serving with the ministry as a child.  Its been great coming home and even better to be blessed with an opportunity to have an impact on so many lives.  Obedience and surrender and God does the rest.

Colossians 3:23,.....whatever you do, do as if for the Lord and not for men.

Aftercare Director 

Doyle Wheeling

My name is Doyle wheeling and I have spent the last 20 years of my life going back into the highways and hedges. I am on a mission to help men and women break the cycle of addiction that is so brutally destroying many lives. I was one of those who was trapped in the vicious cycle BUT through the Grace of God I cried out to Jesus AND He rescued me from the domain of darkness and transferred me into the Kingdom of Light. I am on a mission to help the struggling addict overcome through the Love of Christ. It brings no greater Joy to my life than to see the Joy of Victory in the life of another as they share in the same Freedom I have through Jesus Christ.

Administrative Assistant Brenda Krile

Brenda has been a part of Jesus is the Way Ministries since September of 2001. Brenda is the daughter of Jesus is the Way Prison Ministry’s founders, Jesse & Edith Mathes. Brenda rededicated her life to Jesus Christ in January of 1999 and since that time her desire is to follow in her parent’s footsteps of reaching out to those in need of a Savior. A favorite song of Brenda’s is “Fingerprints of God” by Steven Curtis Chapman and a favorite scripture is 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Brenda serves Jesus is the Way Ministries in many different aspects. Brenda’s main responsibility is to oversee communication between Jesus is the Way Ministries’ volunteers with one another as well as with the ministry’s staff members. Brenda assists the Executive Director, Aftercare Director and Office Administrator with a variety of clerical duties. Brenda also organizes the annual Miracle of Christmas program which is an outreach to the families of the people that are incarcerated; the Miracle of Christmas program is held the second weekend of December. Brenda enjoys being able to help those that the ministry serves through the aftercare program as well as the jail and prison services. A quote from Brenda, “Like Jesus, we have been called to be about our Father’s business (Luke 2:49) and I want to make my Daddy proud.”

Co-Founder Edith Mathes

Edith has been a vital part of this ministry since its birth in 1977. Edith and her late husband, Rev. Jesse E. Mathes, founded this ministry together as the Lord led their steps. Over the years, Edith has seen many miracles take place at Jesus is the Way Ministries and she is blessed to remain here witnessing that God is still in the “miracle working business” as this ministry moves forward daily for God’s glory. Edith is an active board member here at Jesus is the Way Ministries and she serves many purposes while assisting the office staff in their duties. The aftercare residents refer to Edith as “Ms. Edith or Ms. E”, “Mama or Mom” some even “Grandma” and each of these names add a smile to her face. She enjoys helping people and desires to continue seeing the fruits of her (& Jesse’s) labor carry on in and through this ministry. A quote from Edith, “Jesse would be so proud (as am I) to see the changes that are taking place at Jesus is the Way and I can just picture him raising his big hands and shouting with his loud voice, ‘PRAISE THE LORD!’ - One day, it will be a pleasing sound to hear, ’Well done thou good and faithful servant’ - Matthew 25:21-23, and this is the goal Jesus is the Way Ministries reaching for.”


Max is as much a part of the JITW family as any one else.  He is feisty and keeps us all honest.